Is Hot Pilates Good for Weight Loss?
Let’s be honest with each other. There are almost no lucky people who have a perfect figure and do nothing for it. We haven’t met anyone like that, but anything can happen…
And if you are tired of putting up with extra pounds, a sagging belly and cellulite thighs, if you feel that it’s time for a drastic change, this article will be the first step towards it.
Why you can’t lose weight or a few words about the “vicious circle”
Doctors often say that you should first pay attention to the cause of the disease, and only then to the disease itself. This statement is also true when it comes to losing weight. We are used to thinking that being overweight results from a poor diet. This is only one of the reasons. Poor posture and stress are important factors in the struggle for a slim figure.
It’s no secret that poor posture affects the digestion process and the accumulation of fat in the body, but we rarely think that stress affects the cause of its formation.
Briefly, this scheme can be described as follows. Stress affects posture by creating blocks in our body that cause us to feel unwell and lack the strength and energy to work. At such moments, we want to please ourselves with something tasty, often in unlimited quantities. Once you get into this vicious circle, it can be very difficult to get out, because everyone starts looking for the cause of excess weight in unhealthy diet and chooses various diets as a method of struggle, which leads to new stresses…
Pilates for weight loss: a real way or additional advertising?
So, taking into account all the above, to effectively get rid of extra pounds, you first need to eliminate the blocks in your body and Pilates will help you with this.
First of all, Pilates exercises will teach you how to breathe properly, automatically improving oxygen circulation in the body and raising your well-being and mood by several notches at once. Regular workouts will return you to sound and healthy sleep, which is the key to vigor for the whole day. In addition, it has long been known that poor sleep is one of the reasons for the appearance of extra pounds.
Pilates for weight loss is a great way to reshape your figure without overloading your body. You don’t have to endure grueling workouts in the gym, mentally counting down every minute until the end of the class. With Pilates, everything goes easily, evenly, and with a pleasant mood.
During the exercises, the whole body works, which means that even those muscles that have hardly worked before are involved. This means more working muscles, more energy expenditure, and faster fat and cellulite burning. And the feeling of vigor and improved overall well-being will be a pleasant bonus.
What will Pilates definitely NOT give you?
Although we have said that nutrition is not a decisive factor, you should not hope for an excellent result if you “run” to class once every 2 weeks or after training with a clear conscience sit in front of the TV with a huge piece of cake and a cup of coffee with milk. Taking care of your body should be comprehensive and cover all aspects of your daily life: from systematic gym sessions to proper nutrition.
Single attempts to do Pilates at home will certainly restore muscle tone, and improve posture and well-being, but are unlikely to lead to significant weight loss or noticeable changes in your body shape. To get visible changes as quickly as possible, you need to systematically train with a trainer in a specially equipped room.
Pilates “for dummies” or where to start?
The first thing you need to do is come to our studio and sign up for a class with a trainer. We will select a set of exercises for you depending on your physical fitness and the effect you want to achieve. In general, several types of workouts contribute to weight loss and muscle training:
- static-dynamic exercises on a flat surface that help strengthen your back muscles and tighten your inner abdominal muscles, while burning pesky belly fat. You will find a variety of workouts in our schedule;
- exercises on simulators without static fixation. The advantage of such exercises is that they activate muscle groups that are rarely loaded in a normal state. In our studio, you can sign up for individual and couple classes on the Cadillac and Reformer simulators;
- exercises using special equipment: Pilates Ring, balls of different sizes, bands, etc.
Trainings are supervised by an experienced instructor. Finally, here are a few more benefits of Pilates for weight loss:
- The effect of such classes is more stable and long-lasting.
- Exercises will help you work out muscle groups, and strengthen your body without the effect of increasing muscle volume.
- During the classes, the natural metabolism is accelerated and the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, which has a positive effect on the whole body.
Come and feel all the positive changes for yourself. As Joseph said.